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Mary HeiserDirector, Industry & Product Marketing, FourKites

During this unprecedented global pandemic, being able to track freight movement in real time is becoming a top priority as shippers do their utmost to keep supply chains moving and deliver essential goods to their final destination. FourKites is committed to helping our customers and the logistics community at large manage mounting challenges by publishing real-time data analysis, commentary on the latest news and trends across our network, and here, practical tips on how to manage a variety of supply chain strains. We will be posting these tips both on our website and via social. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!

Manage Cross-Border Delays During COVID-19

Newly imposed border controls across the globe right now have “left drivers angry, goods stranded and traffic backed up for miles.” While instituted to keep communities safe and healthy, these controls have also made it exceedingly difficult to keep stores fully stocked, particularly in places where cross-border commerce has been the norm for decades, such as Europe.

To bring greater visibility into border delays, FourKites has created this FREE live map of current border transit times.The map currently covers the US/Canada border, and we’ll be updating soon to include Mexico, Latin America and Europe as well. Read on for more ideas of how you can mitigate disruptions from border delays.

Current Border Transit Times - Free Tool from FourKites

Here’s what you can do:

  • Analyze your suppliers to identify opportunities for switching to domestic suppliers for the time being to reduce delays, particularly for critical goods.
  • Identify high-risk risk regions in your supply chain where you expect border crossing delays, and account for this in your planning and appointment scheduling. 
  • FourKites customers can leverage our Late Reason Codes functionality to identify and quantify the impact of cross-border delays on their supply chain. Late Reason Codes will surface the three main reasons that led to a late delivery (e.g. border delays, dwell, etc.), as well as the specific delay time each reason contributed to the late delivery. 

FourKites is committed to lessening supply chain disruptions during this unprecedented time. Contact us for more information.

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