How Much Can Dynamic Yard Save You?

Do you view detention fees as just a normal business expense? You shouldn’t. These fees are easy to manage, opening up opportunities to drive significant savings. On top of that, carriers reward customers for good asset utilization. So why wait?

Use this calculator to find out how much you can save on detention fees alone with Dynamic Yard. Like Kimberly-Clark, you may be surprised how quickly you can see a return!

Enter your stats here!

Number of Drop Trailers Per Month
Average Detention Cost Per Day ($USD)
Average Total Days On-Site Per Asset*
Your annual savings estimate ranges from $67,500 to $157,500 with automated detention alerts

*Assumes 3 days free on-site. Include all total days, including free days.

Want to see the whole savings picture?

Want to see how process automation, record digitalization, and end-to-end visibility can push that savings number even higher?
Leave your name here, and we’ll set up some time to do a deep dive into your unique operations.